We send in Germany for free and climate.
It is € 7.90 to Austria and the Netherlands. It is € 9.90 to France.
With a CO2 compensation for returns and returns, we can quickly make an enormously positive contribution to the environment.

All deliveries and returns with DHL are compensated for CO2 without having to pay for it.


Your package will be sent with DHL. Of course, we try to edit every order as soon as possible. Please note that delivery times abroad (outside of Germany) can differ.


Delivery times

We try to send all programs as soon as possible. All shipments are ready for shipping after 2-3 days and need about 1-3 days for shipping. Please note that this is a rough guideline of the delivery time and we no longer have any influence on the delivery after we have handed over the package to DHL. 


*Deliveries to Switzerland and outside the EU: 

Please note that customs fees can be incurred for deliveries outside the EU and therefore other costs can be available.