1154+ Ratings

Mont Gerrard vyhřívaná bunda bílá nová

3.709,00 Kč 6.397,00 Kč
Extremely discounted due to pre-order
Over 50,000 happy customers
1-year manufacturer’s warranty
Save up to 60% off!









U této bundy doporučujeme vzít si o jednu velikost větší. Bunda vám pak bude sedět volněji. Modelka je vysoká 1,76 m a nosí velikost M.

Vyhřívaná bunda od značky MONT GERRARD

Objevte revoluční vyhřívanou bundu od MONT GERRARD - dokonalá kombinace funkčnosti, designu a kvality. V chladných zimních měsících vám už nikdy nebude zima, protože tato inovativní bunda vás udrží v teple a pohodlí za všech okolností. A jako speciální pozornost obdržíte MG Power Bank v hodnotě. 19,90€ v ceně!

Samotnou bundu lze snadno prát abyste se cítili stále svěží.

Způsob, jakým tato bunda funguje, je stejně jednoduchý jako geniální: dodávaná MG Power Bank je připojena ve vnitřní kapse bundy. Pro aktivaci funkce vyhřívání stačí stisknout a podržet logo MG. Vyhřívané moduly v zadní a přední části bundy zajistí, že budete vždy v teple, a to i při mrazivých teplotách. Díky třem nastavitelným úrovním vyhřívání a maximální teplotě 50°C máte plnou kontrolu nad svou pohodou.

Pro vaši bezpečnost a spokojenost nabízíme velkorysý 1 rok záruky na tuto vyhřívanou bundu. Vychutnejte si luxus tepla, kdykoli ho potřebujete, a zažijte pohodlí vyhřívané bundy, která je VÁM LÍBÍ si zamilujete.

Vezměte si ji nyní a zajistěte si vyhřívanou bundu z MONT GERRARD

Mont Gerrard: Market Leader in Heated Clothing

Since our founding in 2019, Mont Gerrard has quickly become the market leader in heated clothing. We are committed to integrating innovative comfort and advanced technology into our customers' daily lives. Our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction drives us to explore new possibilities and develop groundbreaking products continuously.
A Revolution in Heated Fashion!
Discover the future of heated fashion with Mont Gerrard and experience unparalleled comfort wherever you go.

Where Does the Jacket Provide Warmth?

Our heated jackets are designed with heating
elements strategically placed in the most sensitive areas. They are located
just below the chest, on the back, and around the neck to warm the regions most
vulnerable to cold. This effectively prevents freezing and keeps you
comfortably warm even on the coldest days, allowing you to enjoy winter without
worrying about icy temperatures.

Is the Power Bank Included for Free?

Every heated jacket comes with a
high-performance power bank at no extra cost. The power bank ensures you can
use the heating elements when your coat arrives. With a runtime of
approximately 4 to 5 hours, depending on the heat setting, it reliably keeps
you warm—whether outside for a short while or spending extended periods in the
cold. This way, you can handle even the frostiest days without feeling the

How Do You Wash the Jacket?

The jacket can be easily washed without
affecting its heating function. Remove the power bank, close the pocket where
it is stored, and wash the jacket as usual. This ensures your heated jacket
stays fresh and ready to use without any worries about damaging the delicate

1-YearWarranty & Money-Back Guarantee

We offer a generous warranty on the jacket's
technology so you can shop confidently. If the jacket unexpectedly
malfunctions, we will replace it immediately or provide a full refund. Your
satisfaction and safety are our top priorities, and we ensure you feel
completely comfortable in every way.

How does our jacket work?
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 5 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 4.


Take the power bank and plug it into the inside of the jacket.

How does our jacket work?
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 5 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 2.

Turn on the jacket.

Press the logo for 3 seconds and wait until the logo lights up.

How does our jacket work?
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 5 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 3.

Enjoy the warmth.

Our jacket heats up to 140°F. You’ll love this jacket!

How does our jacket work?
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 5 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 4.


Take the power bank and plug it into the inside of the jacket.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 5 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 2.

Turn on the jacket.

Press the logo for 3 seconds and wait until the logo lights up.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 5 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 3.

Enjoy the warmth.

Our jacket heats up to 140°F. You’ll love this jacket!